

‘It is vital that when educating our children’s brains, we do not neglect to educate their hearts.’ Dalai Lama

‘Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up.’ Nelson Mandela

Why is it important to teach PSHE? 

The purpose of teaching PSHE is to enable children to become a healthy, happy, independent and responsible member of society. It is important not just to help children develop academically but as people. School has a huge role to play in this. PSHE aims to help children understand and explore how they are developing personally and socially. It tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

Key Concepts:

  •          We need to respect ourselves and others
  •          We need to express our views confidently, listening to and respecting the views of others
  •          We are aware of different types of relationships
  •          We are aware of our feelings and emotions and know some techniques for dealing with them
  •          We can identify ways to cope with new challenges
  •          We develop a growth mindset
  •          We can make choices about how to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Curriculum Design 

Our PSHE curriculum provides a clear and comprehensive document that will show progression of skills and knowledge across all key stages. The coverage of the PSHE curriculum is suggested by the PSHE Association, Teachers use cross-curricular links when possible.

Our PSHE curriculum gives children the opportunity to:

  •          Work collaboratively to explore and develop understanding of: relationships, health and well-being and living in the wider world.
  •          Utilise themed national initiative days to raise awareness and encage with rich experiences.