Welcome to Britten Class!
Ms Hawker - Class Teacher
We have 26 children in our class.
The class is supported by: Miss Toner
Autumn Term 2024
Topic: Prehistoric Britain
This term’s topic is based in Prehistoric Britain and life in Stone Age era. Children will explore and understand what life was during Prehistoric Britain and investigate the Neolithic settlement of Skara Brae. We will be exploring Stone Age art and we will be making Stone Age jewellery and tools out of clay. As part of this topic, we will explore a narrative text called ‘The Stolen Spear’ and will use internet to research prehistoric life.
National Marine Park
We are taking part in a project celebrating understanding of the national marine park, and as part of this we are excited to be visiting the National Marine Aquarium later in the term.
Times Tables
Children should be learning their times tables as all children are expected to know each multiplication table (up to 12 x 12) by heart by the time they reach secondary school. We kindly ask that all children practise their times tables regularly at home.
We also ask that all children read regularly. We suggest a minimum of 15 minutes per night. Reading and discussing books each night will help your children to develop their fluency and comprehension and will help to move their reading forward. Children will then take quizzes using our RENN reading scheme in school and those that achieve 10/10 will receive dojo points as a reward!
Children will engage in PE sessions twice a week. Some of these sessions will take place in our outdoor environment. Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits every Monday and Thursday.